
Teacher Pages

Bruce Freeberg

(603) 795-2103
History Teacher Grades 6-8/Core Knowledge Coordinator

BA, Colby College
MATS, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary
PhD, Emory University
At Crossroads since 2007

I graduated from Colby College with a BA in English and from Emory University with a PhD in philosophy. I’ve been a teacher for over a quarter of a century, and the last ten of these years at Crossroads have been among the most rewarding. Crossroads Academy has a remarkably rich and ambitious history curriculum, and my assignment is to teach this curriculum in grades 5-8. The goal of the curriculum is to expose students to the whole story of human civilization in its broad outlines before they leave Crossroads to enter high school. This provides students with a narrative framework within which to locate and make sense of texts, institutions, ideas and artifacts they encounter in high school and beyond. In addition to providing this broad frame of reference, the study of history helps to build reading, writing, speaking, and critical thinking skills. It also promotes a respect for other cultures, an appreciation of the debts we owe to the past, and an understanding of how we arrived where we are as a civilization. I feel fortunate to lead the 5th through 8th grade on this important journey of historical discovery.